FAQ – Rural Renewal Stream

FAQ Rural Renewal Stream

The Village of Hines Creek cannot offer letters of endorsement directly to prospective candidates. Candidates must receive a job offer from an employer who is based within the Village of Hines Creek and has been approved by the Village under the Rural Renewal Stream. It is the responsibility of the employer to apply to the program, vet and select the best candidate and request the endorsement letter on their behalf. Once an employer has been approved under the Rural Renewal Program, their eligible job vacancies will be posted to the job posting board. Prospective employees must follow the application details within each job posting.
The Rural Renewal Program is open to prospective employees who are still overseas, as well as those who are already in Canada. Candidates already in Canada must be here with valid temporary status.
The Rural Renewal Program is open to any eligible candidate who has a formal job offer from an approved employer, who is in Canada with valid temporary status and who meets the requirements of the Rural Renewal Stream under the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program.
Once the letter of Endorsement is issued, the employee is expected to enter their information into the AAIP Portal as soon as possible. This is part of their commitment to the employer and the community. Once the information is entered into the portal, the nomination for permanent residency begins immediately.
  • The RRS is a good option for employers who are having difficulties finding candidates who are qualified to fill a given position or are willing to perform the work required and where existing federal temporary worker programs are not a good fit for their business needs.
  • The RRS is an opportunity to hire a candidate with temporary status in the community that the business wouldn’t otherwise be able to hire under current federal or provincial temporary worker programs. The RRS is also an opportunity to bring new individuals into the community who will be the right fit for the needed position. The RRS also presents the employer with the possibility of a candidate staying on with the business on a permanent basis once they’ve acquired Permanent Resident status.
The Rural Renewal Program offers employers the opportunity to wave the LMIA for the job vacancies by requesting a letter of endorsement from the Village of Hines Creek. An LMIA is not required for employers who recruit for vacant positions through this program.
Both the employer and the employee still have their rights under the Employment Standards Code. Should the employer or employee choose to end the employment agreement, the employer must follow employment standards and regulations to terminate their employment. Once employment has been terminated, it is the responsibility of the employer to notify the Village who will then notify AAIP of the change in status of the employee.