March 13, 2020 Special Meeting Agenda AGENDA March 13, 2020 Agenda of the Special Meeting of Council MINUTES 2a. Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council DELEGATIONS UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORTS 5a. Chief Administrator Officer Report 5b1. North Peace Housing Foundation FINANCIAL 6a. Bank Reconciliation Month Ending February 29, 2020 6b. Assessment Summary for 2020 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 7a. Cheque Listing for Council BYLAWS 8a. Draft Accounts Receivable Bylaw NEW BUSINESS 9a. Recreation Board Grant Disbursement 9b. Village of HInes Creek 2020 Annual Audit on Assessment Year 2019 9c. Penalities for Accounts Receivable Accounts ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 11a. Letter from Fire Chief 11b. Intermunicipal Collaborative Frameworks Notification 11c. Novel Coronavirus 11d. Alberta Counsel